118 You are My Favorite Page Kit (2024 Year in Review)
12 × 12 double page layout featuring over $12.00 worth of exclusive Emma Grace Designs acrylics. You can leave all the acrylics on this layout or spread them over several. Includes all materials, embellishments and full color instructions.
Be sure to look for the rest of the Year in Review Club Kits to make an entire yearly album!
12 × 12 double page layout featuring over $12.00 worth of exclusive Emma Grace Designs acrylics. You can leave all the acrylics on this layout or spread them over several. Includes all materials, embellishments and full color instructions.
Be sure to look for the rest of the Year in Review Club Kits to make an entire yearly album!
12 × 12 double page layout featuring over $12.00 worth of exclusive Emma Grace Designs acrylics. You can leave all the acrylics on this layout or spread them over several. Includes all materials, embellishments and full color instructions.
Be sure to look for the rest of the Year in Review Club Kits to make an entire yearly album!